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Bash and Linux command line

BASH (or Bourne against Shell) is the basic command line interpteter for the UNIX-based operation systems (Like MacOS, or Linux). Most of the apps and scripts used in the lab are based on Bash.

The University of Toronto Coders have a great tutorial lesson where they cover basic aspects of interacting with computer and file system using BASH.

Shell-command cheat sheet

Here you can find the most frequently used BASH commands.

Shell command action
pwd present working directory
ls [dir] list the directory contents
mkdir dir create a directory
cd [dir] change directory
man cmd command’s man page
echo arg echo the argument
source file run the cmds in file
cp file1 file2 copy a file
mv file1 file2 move/rename a file
rm file delete a file
wc file word count data of file
grep arg file search for arg in file
rmdir dir delete a directory
history [num] print the shell history
file file type of file
more file scroll through file
less file scroll through file
cat file print the file contents
cmd > file redirect output to file
cmd » file append output to file
cmd < file use file as input to cmd
head file print first 10 lines of file
tail file print last 10 lines of file
curl url downloads the url
tar file handles tar files
sort file sorts the lines of file
cut flags output cut part of output for loop in bash if statement in bash
tail -f filename tail the log file (useful for the sbatch cluster jobs)
logout close the terminal session