
Neurodesk is a flexible package for reproducible neuroimaging. It ships with all commonly used toolboxes, often in different versions, and allows for an easy and rapid installation. The package is built upon the use of singularity containers which allows for a fixed software environment for each tool facilitating reproducibility. It can be used on local computers, with and without graphical interface, as well as on Scinet where it integrates well with the lmod system (i.e., the module command).

Notes on neurocommands

  1. When using the integration as shell commands via the neurocommands package it might be necessary to pass environment variables to a launched command (e.g. Freesurfer’s SUBJECTS_DIR variable when running mri_sclimbic_seg). Since the shell integration of neurocommands launches singularity commands in the background, the regular way of exporting bash variables via export SUBJECTS_DIR=... does not work. Instead, the variables that should be used by any of these Neurodesk commands need to be defined at runtime when via SINGULARITYENV_SUBJECTS_DIR=... mri_sclimbic_seg .... In other words, any variable name needs to be prepended with the term SINGULARITYENV_.

  2. In order to access data through neurocommands, the corresponding folders have to be “made available” to the underlying singularity command. This works by defining all necessary paths for reading and writing data in the environment variable SINGULARITY_BINDPATH. For example, if the command fslmaths reads data from /localdata/input and writes data to /localdata/output the variable should be set as SINGULARITY_BINDPATH=/localdata/input,/localdata/output. It would work equally well to set the variable as SINGULARITY_BINDPATH=/localdata. For common data locations (e.g. on a local computer) it is useful to define the bindpaths in the file .bashrc as export SINGULARITY_BINDPATH=/localdata so that future commands using data only in /localdata do not need another specification of the environment variable.

  3. In case specific singularity flags need to be passed when launching a command from neurocommands, the environment variable neurodesk_singularity_opts can be used. For example, in order to launch a graphical tool like mrview, first define export neurodesk_singularity_opts="--nv" to activate the singularity GPU support.

Example workflow

After successful installation of the shell integration, a typical script could look like this:

# 1. activate freesurfer commands
module load freesurfer/7.4.1
module load fsl/6.0.5

# 2. define available data locations (everything in $SCRATCH and $HOME will be accessible,
#    e.g. $SUBJECTS_DIR if it is located in either of those locations)

# 3. use Freesurfer and FSL commands
SINGULARITYENV_SUBJECTS_DIR=/path/to/subjects/dir mri_sclimbic -s sub-01 ...
fslmaths ...